Η Ετήσια Εκτίμηση Απειλής κατά των ΗΠΑ για το 2023 | Foreign Affairs - Hellenic Edition
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Η Ετήσια Εκτίμηση Απειλής κατά των ΗΠΑ για το 2023

Ο οδηγός της εξωτερικής πολιτικής της Αμερικής έναντι των αντιπάλων της

[1] House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. « History and Jurisdiction». https://intelligence.house.gov/about/history-and-jurisdiction.htm (10/03/2023).
[2] U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. «About the Committee». https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/about (10/03/2023).
[3] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community». https://www.intelligence.gov/annual-threat-assessment (10/03/2023).
[4] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «How the IC works». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works (10/03/2023).
[5] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Air Force Intelligence». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/418-air-... (10/03/2023).
[6] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Army Intelligence and Security Command». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/416-army... (10/03/2023).
[7] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Central Intelligence Agency». https://www.intelligence.gov/how- https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/411-cia (10/03/2023).
[8] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Defense Intelligence Agency». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/412-dia (10/03/2023).
[9] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/419-doe-... (10/03/2023).
[10] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/420-dhs-... (10/03/2023).
[11] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research's (INR)». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/424-stat... (10/03/2023).
[12] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Department of Treasury Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA)». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/425-trea... (10/03/2023).
[13] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/423-dea-... (10/03/2023).
[14] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/422-fbi (10/03/2023).
Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Marine Corps Intelligence».
[15] Office of the Director of National Intelligence. «Marine Corps Intelligence». https://www.intelligence.gov/how-the-ic-works/our-organizations/426-mari... (10/03/2023).